Author: Lara Carvin
It’s 5K time in Tennessee and for Red Arrowians! Last weekend, we participated in the “Forget Me Not” 5K, and the “Waggin’ Tails” race is coming up on September 20th. All of us are pretty excited to get out of the office and into some running shoes. So excited in fact, that we’ve asked our participants to give us some insight into their tips and rituals for race day.
Longest Distance Run: 5K
Number of 5Ks Run: 5
Q) What do you do the day before a race?
A) Remember that I have a 5k the next day. I guess I could find my shoes.
Q) Favorite post-run food?
A) Like a beer would be great.
Q) Any advice on what to wear or how to fashion your hair?
A) Cut all your hair off completely. Thick cotton. Or wear what you’re supposed to.
Q) What’s your favorite thing about running?
A) When you’re done.
Running philosophy: Run longer – live longer.
Who they’re putting their money on to win at Red Arrow: Danny
Longest Distance Run: 6.5 miles
Number of 5Ks Run: 0 – Waggin’ Tails will be her first race.
Q) What are you doing to prep for this 5k?
A) I run everyday.
Q) Do you have a running mantra?
A) Just keep swimming.
Q) Favorite food post-run?
A) Oatmeal with raisins.
Q) What’s your favorite song to run to?
A) Marilyn Manson’s “Beautiful People”
Running Philosophy: Be persistent.
Who they’re putting their money on to win at Red Arrow: Kelsey or Danny
Longest Distance Run: 8 miles
Number of 5Ks Run: 7 or 8
Q) Have you ever won a race?
A) I placed 2nd (out of 3 runners) in my age group for a 5k.
Q) What do you like to do post-race?
A) Go out with fellow Red Arrowians.
Q) Favorite song to listen to while running?
A) Ages and Ages’ “Divisionary (Do The Right Thing)”
Q) Favorite thing about running?
A) It’s a great way to see a new city. Put on your shoes and head out the hotel door.
Running Philosophy: Just get out and do it and you’ll be glad.
Who they’re putting their money on to win at Red Arrow: Mary
Longest Distance Run: 6 miles
Number of 5Ks Run: 5
Q) What’s your running mantra?
A) Don’t throw up.
Q) What’s something a runner could do that might hurt their performance or time?
A) Get pregnant.
*Note: Kelsey is currently pregnant and so, totally allowed to say this.
Q) Any clothes advice for race day?
A) Don’t forget your sports bra.
Q) Who is your sports role model?
A) Megan Rapinoe
Running Philosophy: You can do anything for seven seconds.
Who they’re putting their money on to win at Red Arrow: Valen