For a recent project we needed a timelapse of a weed dying to illustrate how a particular weed control product performed its duties. Our shoot was in San Diego, CA–2,200 miles from our office. We kicked around several ideas of how to get the shot, but on the day before we flew out for the shoot, we decided that our best… read more →
Mar 2 2012 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
Jul 8 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
I bought my first HDTV just about 3 years ago. I was a little late to the game considering I work in TV and I enjoy all sorts of new technology. But I was waiting until I felt there were enough HD channels on cable that it would really be worth the purchase. I didn’t want to spend over two… read more →
Feb 8 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
When it comes to editing, I have no shortage of “pet peeves,” and perhaps one of my biggest is seeing footage with “Incorrect Aspect Ratio.” Far too often I see television shows, news packages, promos, even graphics in a video with the wrong aspect ratio, causing the images to appear squished. I’m not talking about TV networks that incorrectly display… read more →
Jan 13 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
Ever wonder how a TV show is written? Well, just ten years ago that answer would have been easy: A TV show was written by a “writer.” Seems pretty obvious doesn’t it. Well, answering that question in today’s post-production world is not so easy. Oh, sure, some shows are still written by a writer sitting behind a keyboard, but nowadays,… read more →
Dec 7 2009 Posted by ra_admin in
I love HD television. I would guess that 90% of the recordings on my Tivo are HD, and if I’m watching live TV I always scan the HD listings first. Unfortunately, there are still many instances on the HD channels where you see shoddily upconverted or simply misformated 4:3 video (I believe RedArrowRyan will be having a blog post in… read more →