In this video tutorial, RedArrowRyan shows editors how to use 120 fps footage shot on the iPhone 5s in Avid’s Media Composer Software. Viewers will get to see how to ingest, render, and manipulate this footage, as well as see some great juggling from a special mystery guest!
Jul 9 2014 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
Mar 2 2012 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
For a recent project we needed a timelapse of a weed dying to illustrate how a particular weed control product performed its duties. Our shoot was in San Diego, CA–2,200 miles from our office. We kicked around several ideas of how to get the shot, but on the day before we flew out for the shoot, we decided that our best… read more →
May 24 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
So here we are, just a few days from moving offices. Later this week we’ll be tasked with one of the most tedious, time consuming and important jobs we’ve ever tackled; breaking down, moving and hooking up four entire edit suites in less than 24 hours. Luckily, in previous employment, I’ve completed moves like this twice before, so I feel… read more →
Feb 25 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
In this tutorial, I explain how to create a cool Pan and Zoom effect over Documents or Newspapers. I show how to use a blur effect to create the feeling of Depth of Field and how to use masks to give the illusion of lighting.
Feb 24 2010 Posted by Ryan Hardison in
In this tutorial, I explain how to create the “Kid Stays in the Picture” effect using Photoshop, Boris Red, and Avid. I also show how to accomplish it with only using Boris Red and Avid. Be sure to follow me on twitter @redarrowryan to get all the latest updates to this blog. Click more for the video….